Oats are Gentle on Digestion. It is recommended for babies to start solid foods when they reach six months of age.Apples are a low-calorie fruit full of fiber which helps your baby to gain weight.Rather than giving it as plain oats porridge for babies or apple porridge for babies, this combo works out great.

- 1 apple
- 100 gm Oats
- 1 cup of water
- Place the oats in the skillet and cook over a med-high heat, shaking and tossing frequently, until they start to turn golden brown and smell toasty.
- Place oats into a blender and blend until smooth powder.
- Wash and peel the apple.
- You can either chop the apple into small pieces or grate the apple.
- Boil the water and add the oats powder to the boiling water.
- After the oats have mixed well add the apple and cover it with a lid.
- Keep stirring the mixture for 3 to 4 mins on low flame to bring a perfect texture and consistency.
- The mixture will begin to bubble.
- Turn off the flame and allow it to set down.
- Serve luck worm.
For Toddlers, you can add milk after the oats and apples are cooked well.You can add almond powder also.It helps to gain weight.
- Sterilize the bowls and spoons in a vessel with hot water for five minutes and keep it immersed in the same vessel before feeding your baby.
- Never introduce more than one food at a time when introducing solids to your baby.
- Salt and sugar is not recommended in baby’s food until one year of age.
- Check for allergy symptoms when you introduce a new food to your baby and stop feeding if you find any symptoms.
- Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
- Steaming is a healthier option for baby food than pressure cooking.
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