It is difficult to find someone who doesn’t love mangoes as mangoes are universally the most loved fruit. Mango has become a popular flavour of baby and toddler foods.
Once children develop a taste for mangoes, their love for the fruit continues well into adulthood.As mango is delicious, and many babies and kids really enjoy the taste! Mango- a healthy fruit provides a number of benefits to growing babies.
Benefits of Mango:
- Enhanced brain development
- Perfect for babies eyesight development
- Â Strong immunity
- Â Fights microbial infections
- Aids digestion
- Fights sunstroke
- Helps in weight gain
- Keeps anaemia at bay
- Improves skin
Mango Puree:
1 Ripe Mango
First slice the mango all the way down, starting close to the stem at the top. The rough seed of a mango is the large, flat centre of the fruit.

Cut it into small pieces.
Add chopped mango pieces to the blender and puree it until it reaches a proper consistency.
You can also freeze some of that puree in a tight container or in an ice cube tray and serve it in the future.

You can also try some other Puree