This homemade pear puree is an easy baby food recipe that’s made with only two ingredients- pears and water. Pears are sweet and full of fiber to help keep things moving in the digestive tract. Homemade pear puree is sweet, filled with fiber, and rich in vitamin C.

How to Make Pear Puree:
- Wash the pears and use a vegetable peeler to peel.
- cut the pear in half and carefully remove the stem with a knife.
- Once the core is removed, finish slicing the pear into equal-sized slices and then quarter each slice.
- Place the chopped pieces in a steamer and add ½ cup of water in it.
- Cook for 5-10 minutes or until tender.
- The cooking time will vary depending on how ripe the pears were. It will generally take around 5-15 mins.
- Place the contents of the steamer into a Blender and blend for 30-60 seconds until it gets smooth.
Health Benefits of Pear:
- Pear is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium that support several physiological functions.
- Pears are rich in Pectin which is a mild diuretic and a natural laxative. Pears should be an integral part of the diet If your kid suffers from constipation as the pulp will melt the hard stool stones and promote good defecation in kids.
- They have a high healing property. They help wounds heal faster.
- Pears are known to boost immunity in babies and fight off infections.
You can also try some other Puree