Top 5 Baby Laundry Brands
Himalaya– Khush Raho , Khushaal Raho
- Herbal actives and natural clenching agents
- Maintains the fabric’s softness
- Excellent stain removal and antibacterial properties
- Advanced triple enzyme formula
- Free from artificial colors and harsh chemicals.
- Keeps baby protected from harmful bacteria Inside
- Made up of bio-enzymes and a plant-based formula
- Removes all the disease-causing germs and bacteria.
- Dermatologically tested
Mother Sparsh– Natural Baby Care Products
- Antibacterial properties that eliminate germs, bacteria
- Contains Eucalyptus oil, Neem, and Aloe Vera extracts
- Safe for washing
Pigeon – India/- Only Love Nurtures Love
- Kills 99.9% of bacteria
- Economically-feasible
- Effectively remove stubborn stains
How we created the list
Compiled the list with our owned recommended brands and from “ Top/ Best “ lists published by the world’s most trusted sources included in this Top 5 Baby Laundry Detergent list aims to help parents make smarter decisions.
As a parent, you have to be more careful while choosing baby products. As a baby’s skin is thin and more sensitive, you need to choose the right one. Babies go through a lot of laundry throughout the day from multiple clothes to sheets and from cloth nappies to cloth diapers. So you need the best detergent to keep things clean as well as safe for your babies. Here are the Top 5 Baby Laundry Detergents to keep your little bundle of joy protected and smelling fresh all day.
Top 5 Baby Laundry Detergents Brands
2) MeeMee:
3) Mamaearth: